We are excited to make the formal call for nominations for district governor for Rotary year 2026-27. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone meeting the criteria to formally submit their name for consideration by the district nominating committee, who are responsible for selecting the DG for 2026-27, and will be chaired by PDG Cathy Gibson.
If you are looking for an extraordinary opportunity within Rotary, then seeking to serve your district as DG will open up new areas for personal and professional growth in leadership. You will join a vibrant team who are collaborating in accelerating our growth, expanding our reach and evolving our core capabilities to support our Rotary clubs’ success across district 5030.
Pursuant to Rotary International Bylaws (RIB), Section 12.030.3, I invite all clubs to submit their nominations for District Governor for the 2026-2027 Rotary year. All Nomination Forms for District Governor must be received no later than Friday, September 29, 2023, to be considered. Email them to PDG Cathy Gibson at dggibson2021@gmail.com
To be eligible, the Rotarian selected as a District Governor Designate shall at the time of selection:
- Be a member in good standing of a functioning club in District 5030. (RIB 16.010.a)
- The Rotarian must have served as club president for a full term or as charter president for at least six months. (RIB 16.010.b)
- The Rotarian must demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a governor as provided in section “Duties of Governor” (RIB 16.030)
- The Rotarian must demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of governor as prescribed in the bylaws; and
- Submit to RI a statement that the Rotarian understands those qualifications, duties, and responsibilities, is qualified for the office of governor, and is willing and able to assume and faithfully perform those duties and responsibilities.
Additionally, Rotary International Bylaws Article 16.020 state, “a governor at the time of taking office must have attended the International Assembly for its full duration, been a member of one or more Rotary clubs for at least seven years, and must continue to possess the qualifications in section 16.010.”
The selection of a governor-nominee must be conducted in a dignified, responsible manner in harmony with the principles of Rotary. Section 13.010 of the RI Bylaws provides that any candidate who becomes aware of campaigning, canvassing or electioneering for elective office in RI, must express their disapproval to those so engaged and shall instruct them to terminate such activity.
To nominate a candidate for District Governor in 2026-2027, there must be a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club, naming the Rotarian being proposed. The Club Secretary shall certify the resolution. A club may nominate only one of its own members. If there are two or more past club presidents in the same club interested in being nominated they may seek the nomination from another club. (RIB 12.030.3)
The District Governor candidate will complete and submit a completed Governor Nominee Form.
Interviews and selection of the District Governor Designate, who would serve as District Governor during the Rotary year, 1 July 2026 – 30 June 2027, will take place on the afternoon of October 5, 2023. Individual candidates can request their preferred interview time by contacting PDG Cathy Gibson.
This notice is being e-mailed to each individual club President and will also be published on the District 5030 website.