Loading District 5030

District Leadership Team – Seasonal Gathering to Celebrate in Fellowship

Holiday cheer was in the air as around 30 of our district leaders gathered for a fellowship event to celebrate the season together.  This leadership team has been quietly and effectively working in the background to support our district’s strategic imperatives in support of branding, membership, foundation, and innovation.

A marvelous spread was provided by Gary, PDG Howard, and Kenny (Three Men Catering), who ensured we had a festive experience with our gathering.  Our thanks to this small team who helped to bring the merry to our event.

It truly takes many hands to make our district work for its clubs, and our gathering was a wonderful opportunity for DG Kaj Pedersen to acknowledge and thank our District Leadership team for their invaluable contributions.  They have truly helped to Awaken us to the Extraordinary Opportunity of Rotary through their service to our district and clubs.

If you are interested in taking on a leadership role within District 5030 do not hesitate to reach out to your AG or DG, where we will be more than happy to discuss the opportunities of being a leader in Rotary.  The possibilities of engaging at this level are limitless; all it takes is you taking the first step.

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