DG Monthly meeting with District AGs
DG monthly meeting with AGs to update on district activities, strategic imperatives, and club activities.
Loading District 5030
DG monthly meeting with AGs to update on district activities, strategic imperatives, and club activities.
A Message from Director Dan Himelspach The 2023 Zones 26 & 27 (Big West) Institute is quickly approaching and we have an exciting line-up of presenters to motivate and inspire as you Create Hope in the World this Rotary year, including: Rotary International President Elect Stephanie Urchick will be the second woman to serve as […]
We are just a few weeks away from Big West Zone Institute and if you can't make it in person, don’t worry. You can still take part by attending virtually! Listen to all the amazing keynote speakers and have opportunities to interact with them in our virtual convention hall, make new friends through virtual networking […]
DG meeting to update club presidents on the activities across the district and progress with the 3-year strategic imperatives.
District 5030 Vocational Team presents a "Philanthropy in a Box" talk with Copperwork's President and Co-Founder - Jason Parker in support of our first RISE graduates! RISE (Rotarians Inspired to Succeed and Engage) is a Mentorship and Leadership Development Program based on the principles of Servant Leadership. You can join us in Person or Via Zoom, […]
DG monthly meeting with AGs to update on district activities, strategic imperatives, and club activities.
DG meeting to update club presidents on the activities across the district and progress with the 3-year strategic imperatives.
Doing Good in the World: The Rotary Foundation's Virtual Speaker Series is a webinar series for Rotary's strongest supporters, highlighting the difference you make through your generosity. Join Rotary leaders and subject matter experts as they share stories of impact and discuss the Rotary programs and initiatives that interest you most. Programs of Scale: United […]
Seattle Rotary Mariners Group invites you to attend the movie premier of "Boys in the Boat" at the AMC Pacific Place Theatre. Tickets are $30 + tax RSVP by scanning the QR Code in image or via the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/771881908567?aff=oddtdtcreator
DG monthly meeting with AGs to update on district activities, strategic imperatives, and club activities.