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Global Grant project proposals for 2023-24 year-D2483 Serbia and Montenegro

District 6920 Georgia/USA and District 2483 Serbia and Montenegro have a very successful cooperation in Global Grant projects.  They are looking for opportunities to partner with other clubs in their global grant projects.

Rotary Club Beograd Cukarica, with great support from clubs and District 6920 Georgia and E-Club Berlin Global, realized the following Global Grant projects:

  • Global Grant 2343270 – 200 mBot robots for elementary schools
  • Global Grant 2345466 – “Drones for ICT Classrooms” – 200 drones for elementary schools
  • Global Grant 2343865 – “Hearts of Europe”-“Empowering Women Entrepreneurship”
  • Global Grant 2343274 -“Hearts of Europe”-“Years of Ascent”-mobile furniture and ICT equipment for 25 kindergartens

Through cooperation in these Global Grants the clubs of Serbia and Montenegro have developed good friendships, especially during the three visits of U.S. Rotarians to Serbia in May and September and the visit of Serbian Rotarians to Georgia in August.

When Rotarians from Georgia visited Serbia on three occasions they saw a huge benefit of their joint projects for children and people in Serbia. This is one of the main reasons why there is a desire to continue cooperation in new Global Grants:

  1. GG 2458082-“MBot robots for primary schools” for teaching program languages Scratch and Python-proposal for the-“Hearts of Europe Global Grants” program.
  2. GG GG2458081– “Years of Ascent”-mobile furniture and ICT equipment for 25 more kindergartens. Proposal for the-“Hearts of Europe Global Grants” program.

In the Global Grant project proposals for 2023-24 year-D2483 Serbia and Montenegro attachment you can find more information about the two  Global Grant proposals discussed.

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