Loading District 5030

Rotary’s Monthly Focus-Clean Water and Sanitation (WASH)

Hello Rotary Family!

March is Rotary’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) month. WASH is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus and Rotarians have supported projects around the world that provide communities with access to clean water and sanitation. These initiatives have a large ripple effect on communities. Close, reliable access to water decreases incidents of waterborne diseases and allows children to attend school (versus spending a large portion of their day gathering water for the family). Additionally, hygiene protocols decrease illness and allow girls to attend school all month long. Learn more about WASH here.

This year, six of our District Clubs are sponsoring WASH projects in Nigeria, Camaroon, and Mexico. These projects are creating solar wells, greenhouses and cisterns. Because of your support, the District was able to provide matching funds to all projects that were submitted last fall. Thank you to our grants team for coaching our clubs, aiding in the grant writing process and making sure that we met all the requests that came in for District matching funds.

District 5030 Grants Team:

Josh Sutton, District Rotary Foundation Chair

Debbie Bodal, District Global Grants Chair

Cathy Burnell, District Grants Co-Chair

Annette Grimm, District Grants Co-Chair

Tressa Kentner, District International Service Chair


Yours in service,

Rachele Bouchand
Rotary District 5030 Governor, 2024-25

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