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What is Vocational Service?

Happy New Year!

January is Vocational Service Month. When we talk about Rotary as a Service Organization, many think about the community service projects that Rotarians champion around the world. However, Rotary’s roots are also deeply embedded in our Vocational Service, which calls on us to use our unique professional experience and skills to address community needs in novel ways. Additionally, Vocational Service is a way we can bring the high ethical standards of Rotary to our professions and help grow leaders in our industries.

Here are some tips on engaging in Vocational Service:

  • Share the concept of the Rotary 4-Way Test with people in your professional network. Imagine the increase in communication, collaboration, and goodwill if we paused and applied the following in what we think, say, and do:
    1. Is it the TRUTH?
    2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
    4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
  • Introduce your professional contacts to Rotary!
    • Our Rotary network isn’t only made of members. We also need friends of Rotary and partners to help us with our service projects, act as speakers on a variety of topics, and mentor our developing leaders.
    • Bring a professional contact to a Rotary meeting that features a topic that interests them.
  • Promote a vocational project
    • Help coach young professionals with mock interviews.
    • Work with the Rotary PNW Partners for Work Club, who educates the community and employers to hire people with disabilities.
    • Send a member of your club to RISE (Rotarians Inspired to Succeed and Engage) as a participant or as a mentor.
  • Honor exemplary service
    • Highlight individuals in your local community who have excelled in their professions while maintaining high ethical standards.

Thank you for embracing Vocational Service in Rotary!

Rotary PNW Partners for Work Club

Rachele Bouchand
Rotary International District 5030
District Governor 2024-25

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